Many of you are probably already familiar with Pinterest, aside from Facebook and twitter it is currently the top social networking site. For those of you who are not familiar it is a virtual pin board of sorts where you can collect your favorite photos and it will link them back to the site that they came from. I have had a pinterest account for a while now, mostly to collect recipes, decorating ideas, etc (think modern magazine cutouts). It is a great place to organise wedding ideas from dresses to favors to decor you can find some great ideas.
As a wedding photographer I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing some pretty great wedding ideas from very creative brides and planners. Everything from little homemade jam jar favors that read “spread the love” to elegant bouquets of exotic flowers and even touching ways of remembering a loved one in the ceremony even though they can not physically be there. I have only pinned items from a few weddings, but will pin more if people seem to like it and find it useful. Please feel free to click here and see it for yourself! Be sure to “repin” the ideas and photos that you like!
This is a sneak peek at my pinterest site, I hope you can find some inspiration here:
Again, please visit my Pinterest site and re-pin any ideas that you think are worth passing along. Thank you!!!!