Sophisticated, modern, vibrant, unique… Kelcy & Steel’s playful, chic night out on the town…
So this is what happens when my clients trust me!!! 😉❤️⠀
Steel said, “As an artist, we really want you to have full creative control– we love your work and are literally up for anything! Seriously, your camera is like a brush in DaVinci’s hand, haha!!” (He was a groomsman in a wedding that I photographed several years ago and has been following me on social media ever since).⠀
So I was like, well there is this *parking garage* that I’ve always wanted to shoot and I can imagine you in a tux, Kelcy in a red dress… we could start during daylight but have the last hour of the shoot be after dark. It feels like you guys to me, modern, sleek, sexy, vibrant, fun, unique– they were like “A parking garage, sexy and vibrant? Whatever, we trust you!” Here is a sneak peek of a couple shots from the evening…
Steel shared, “It’s such a privilege to finally have the chance to work with you!” The feeling is totally mutual, maybe even more so!
I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity, and was able to do *so much* with these two, because they trusted me to “do my thang,” haha.
While I love to get creative with my photography, I enjoy getting a few more traditional shots as well. I spiced this one up a bit by programming radio transmitted flashes off camera left ;).
Here the sunlight filters in creating soft, pastel orbs and geometric lines…
I’m fascinated by the little things, like light and shadow and really liked this vantage point…
Steel shared about the start of their relationship, “It took some sweet talking and convincing to get Kelcy to give me a chance but once she finally opened up, we hit it off like we knew each other for years. We’re both care-free and fun-loving people who love to live in the moment and share new/exciting experiences together.”
The vibrant blue sky was amazing that day and the white clouds just down at the horizon gave me the perfect, light accent to make Steel and Kelcy stand out in this massive, modern structure.
Steel shared, “Whether it’s traveling across the country or internationally, we’re always looking for our next adventure together. What makes us work so well together is that we are both caring and try to put each other before ourselves.”
Kelcy shared, “When we first started dating, I was a lot more “in my shell” so to speak, while Steel was this wild, silly guy that didn’t care if he made a scene in public. It took some time but eventually his contagious personality broke down my walls and I realized it doesn’t matter what people think of us if we’re both being goofballs together.”
Kelcy continued, “Steel still cracks me up with his antics. After 5 years of dating, no amount of goofiness from him really surprises me ;)”
These two work out and vacation like pros, so when they saw a blank canvas, naturally they wanted to flex a little, haha…
I love to play around with my camera and push its limits, here I used a slow shutter to capture the energy and movement of these two– they are going places for sure ;).
Kelcy and Steel are easy to be around… they both have a strong sense of self and support each other, that balance is almost palpable here. I loved their body language and the soft sunlight here– it feels natural…
They explained, “About six months into our relationship, we took our first real vacation together and went to Las Vegas. Our last night in the city was filled with laughs, drinks, and a nonstop good time. We arrived at the Bellagio to watch the fountain show and after the show ended, the music switched to some catchy pop and Vanessa Carlton – A Thousand Miles starts playing (have you ever seen the movie White Chicks? haha the scene where Terry Crews is driving and singing along to this song was the first thing that came to our minds)….”
They went on, “We fired up our GoPro and started dancing together through the swarm of people walking past us down the sidewalk without a single care in the world. As strangers passed us by, smiling at our carefree demeanor, we looked at each other and realized we want nothing more than to share a lifetime of moments together just like this. We both knew we found “The One” :)”
While these streets weren’t bustling I liked the color and energy here and the way Kelcy’s white dress popped against the tangerine wall…
As the sunlight faded I embraced the cool twilight hues and found a little spot with a little extra edge and visual interest (graffiti and a yellow guardrail)…
There is something so sweet and classic about a dramatic black and white image…
But color is great, too 😉
Wow, that ring!!!
Kelcy shared, “We both loved the idea of giving you full creative control and allowing the session to evolve from there and really had a lot of fun together!”
Here we played in a puddle…
I love the lines and stark contrast of this shot– from the black and white lines of the building, polka dots on Steel’s shirt, waves of Kelcy’s hair, it all just comes together so well here…
This shot reminds me of this poem: “That was his gift, he caught her imagination, and that, after everything, was all she ever wanted.” –Atticus
And this one makes me think of another…
“That was her magic, she could still see the sunset, even on those darkest days.” –Atticus
Kelcy shared, “We liked your concept of having a sophisticated, modern feel after the sun went down. Steel and I both love any excuse to get dressed up, whether it’s a night on the town or an elegant dinner…so to be able to put on our fancy outfits and capture the moment was right up our alley!”
I really had fun playing with color and lines in the empty parking garage!
And I love the feel of the cold chain link here…
Kelcy and Steel, thank you for trusting me with open arms! Thank you for opening up to me and showing me your authentic selves and allowing me to have free reign and visually create what that looked like to me. Thank you for giving me such an awesome opportunity to flex my creative muscles, and for flexing yours, literally haha, in front of my camera!